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[問題討論] 請教一款舊遊戲勇猛拳擊Violence Fight 怎麼使用那兩隻BOSS

  • TA的每日心情
    2025-3-29 23:52
  • 簽到天數: 1714 天


    發表於 2017-10-31 23:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
    請問有哪位高手知道勇猛拳擊Violence Fight 怎麼使用那兩隻BOSS Tony Won跟Ron Max
    不是Solitary Fighter喔,謝謝!!


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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-3-30 00:00
  • 簽到天數: 2987 天


    皮卡丘 Lv:100
    發表於 2018-1-12 21:08 | 顯示全部樓層
    使用 Ron Max 遊戲

    使用 Tony Won 遊戲

    以上使用 Tony Won 遊戲影片,影片下方有提出說明

    MAME 並沒有制作,可以使用這兩位 BOSS 的作弊碼

    網路上也找不到,可選兩位 BOSS 的作弊碼

    另外,也沒有人制作 IPS 補丁,可以用來選用



    影片只看到選角後,暫停遊戲,再開始遊戲,所選的角色,即變成 BOSS 而已



    Published on Jan 9, 2017
    Gameplay of the final boss Tony Won in Taito's Violence Fight.

    Annnnd, we're back. I thought I'd cut my break a couple of days sure as I felt like getting back to uploads, which is usually a good sign. During my break, I experimented with a few more emulators, hacked a few more games (including finally hacking Raidou in Dead or Alive 1, which took me around a year) and doing some more recordings as well.

    We now return to a short section covering hybrid fighting games; pre-SFII fighting games which are an odd mix between fighting games, beat-em-ups and wrestling games. The first of these to cover is Taito's oft forgotten Violence Fight. This game is, unbeknowst to many I suspect, rather special in the fact that it is the first proper tournament-style fighting game; there are four selectable characters, and players fight all other playable characters before moving on to fight two unplayable bosses, a system which would eventually be adopted by the next game I'll being covering, Mutant Fighter, as well as SFII itself. Before SFII standardised the genre, fighting games tended to have a boss gauntlet focus, including the original Street Fighter itself and of course its spiritual successors, Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting.

    Apart from that aforementioned distinction however, there's no denying that Violence Fight (which is a wonderfully redundant name, I might add) is a bit too simplistic to be really worth a go nowadays. It's a somewhat fun button-basher, with typically unfair opponents as you would expect of a coin-munching game of the late 80s. Tony Won, the leader of the gang who sets up this supposed Violence Fight tournament, acts as the final boss of the game, and he is clearly intended to be as broken as anything, dealing 4x as much damage as the playable character in the game and destroying them with relatively ease. Indeed, the only real way to stand a chance against him when facing him is to spam punches and kicks, which ultimately gives the game a very unrefined feel, I must admit.

    As a game from the late 80s, it's probably not too much of a surprise that the game's coding isn't able to sustain playing as Tony Won or the other boss of the game, Ron Max, for very long. After being hacked, the end of a match proper, regardless of winning or losing, will cause the game to crash as it has no programming built in to allow it to let the characters progress further in arcade mode. Another problem is that attempting to hack the bosses on the character selection screen will itself crash the game; you have to select a character, pause the game, and then select a boss value if want to play as them. All in all, these are videos for the sake of thoroughness, but if it can be done it might as well be done, and shown for all to see, too.


    2017 年 1 月 9 日發布
    在 Taito 的暴力鬥爭中最後的老闆 Tony Won 的遊戲。

    Annnnd,我們回來了。我想我會在幾天之內削減我的休息時間,因為我想回到上傳,這通常是一個好兆頭。在休息期間,我嘗試了更多的模擬器,進一步攻擊了幾個遊戲(包括最後在 Dead 或 Alive 1 中攻擊了 Raidou,這個攻擊花了我一年的時間),還做了更多的錄音。

    現在我們回到一個簡短的混合格鬥遊戲。SFII 之前的格鬥遊戲,這是格鬥遊戲,毆打遊戲和摔跤遊戲之間的奇怪組合。首先要介紹的是 Taito 忘記暴力鬥爭。這個遊戲對許多我懷疑的遊戲來說並不是很清楚,它是第一個正式的比賽式格鬥遊戲。有四個可選擇的角色,玩家與其他可玩角色戰鬥,然後繼續戰鬥兩個無法比賽的老闆,這個系統最終將被我將要覆蓋的下一個遊戲,變形戰士以及 SFII 本身所採用。在 SFII 標準化的流派之前,格鬥遊戲往往有一個老闆的戰鬥重點,包括原來的街頭霸王本身,當然還有精神的繼承者,致命的憤怒和戰鬥的藝術。

    然而,除了上述的區別之外,不可否認的是,暴力鬥爭(這是一個多餘的名字,我可以補充一下)有點過於簡單,現在真的值得一試。這是一個有點有趣的按鈕操縱,通常不公平的對手,如你所期望的 80 年代末的硬幣遊戲。組建這場暴力撲滅錦標賽的團伙的領導者 Tony Won 是遊戲的最終老闆,顯然他的目標是破壞任何東西,對遊戲中的角色造成 4 倍的傷害並相對輕鬆地銷毀它們。事實上,面對他的唯一真正的方法就是在垃圾郵件和垃圾郵件之間進行垃圾郵件發送,最終讓遊戲變得非常粗糙,我必須承認。

    作為一個 80 年代後期的遊戲,這個遊戲的編碼不能像 Tony Won 或者 Ron Max 這個遊戲的另一個老闆那麼長時間地維持下去。被黑了之後,無論輸贏如何,本場比賽的結束都會導致遊戲崩潰,因為它沒有內置的程序,使得角色在街機模式下進一步發展。另一個問題是,試圖在角色選擇螢幕上破解老闆本身會使遊戲崩潰;你必須選擇一個角色,暫停遊戲,然後選擇一個老闆值,如果他們想玩的話。總而言之,這些是為了徹底的視頻,但是如果能夠做到的話,也可以做,也可以讓所有人看到。


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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-3-29 23:52
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