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Cheat Engine 6.3

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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-3-26 00:14
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    發表於 2013-7-14 00:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
    本帖最後由 todobug 於 2013-12-8 15:50 編輯

    【軟體名稱】:Cheat Engine

    這套軟體相信應該有很多人都不陌生才對,很多人利用這套軟體修改FLASH遊戲,Cheat Engine 並不只限於Flash 遊戲,而一些像Vista 的hold 'em 那能使用Cheat Engine 作弊。
    其實要在構造簡單的遊戲上使用Cheat Engine並不困難,只是需要一點時間掌握,但對於構造複雜的遊戲程式,便需要利用Cheat Engine 中更進階的功能了。除了Cheat Engine 是免費軟件外,Cheat Engine 也自帶了一個Tutorial (教學) ,讓大家可以掌握一些基本的操作方法 (當然教學是由淺入深吧!) ,教學也有如指標(pointer)、address 和程式碼注入 (code injection) 的進階話題

    Fixed dll injection for 64-bit targets (also fixes speedhack for 64-bit and windows 8)Fixed speedhack thread safety so changing speed in a program that constantly checks speed won't cause a crash/weird behaviourFixed Lua speedhack_setSpeed being limited to 2 digit accuracyCustomtypes can now deal with huge size types (4096 bytes and bigger)Some table merging bugsFixed negative values in groupscansFixed a lot of assembler and disassembler instructionsFixed GenericHotkey in luaFixed the table version of writeBytes in luaFixed the bug where if you opened the settings window and click ok you wouldn't be able to debug anymoreFixed unlabed labelsFixed crash when clicking stop when using the debugger to find somethingFixed where CE would select invisible entries when multiselecting and press spaceLoading a table now deletes tables you might have previously definedThe autoassembler can now handle $luavar when it's an integer instead of stringFixed break on entry when creating a processFixed the stackview in 64-bit ce when targeting a 32-bit programFixed unloading the driver when global debug was used beforeFixed the symbolpath not changing to what you wish, and add the game's exe to the symbol path search by defaultFixed dbvm stabilityFixed global debug not handling 64-bit mov dr* instructions properly

    Additions and changes:
    Redesigned the lua class system (read main.lua)Added mouse4 and mouse5 to the lua definesAdded the THREADSTACK# symbol which points to the stack start of the specific thread number (pointerscan can use it)The pointerscan has several new features to decrease time and increase useful resultsAdded sorting the pointerscan by column (Tip: After a sort close the pointerscan and delete .ptr files you do not wish)Changed hotkey handling internallyThe different display types in the hexadecimal view of memoryview now support direct editing as wellThe foundlist can now display using a different display type, on the condition that the type has a compatibly bytesizeThe foundlist now shows a "previous value" column and marks differences redThe symbolhandler now has a better distinction between 32 and 64-bit modules. Non-compatible modules (64-bit in 32-bit programs) will get an underscore in front of their symbolnamesGroupscans can now let you choose which elements to add to the addresslist when doubleclickedAdded a graphical memory viewAdded a new breakpoint type :Exceptions (not dependant on size and no debug registers, but extremely slow to unplayable)The "Find out what *** this address" function now has the ability to show if the given opcode is used for other data as wellAdded a luaserver to ce that you can use to let a different/target process execute lua commands and pass dataThe userdefined comments can now show handle multiple linesDissect code now lets you jump to a referal if you click the lineAdded a few new lua methods to the disassembler so you can render your own data in front and after a disassembler lineAssembler: Added override support to relative jumpsAuto Assembler: AA command ReadMem can now work on large sets of data without being too slowAuto Assembler: Scripts with multiple AOBScan commands will go faster now (grouped into one)Auto Assembler: Added a new "AOBSCANMODULE" auto assemble command . Usage: AOBSCANMODULE(modulename, aob)Auto Assembler: GlobalAlloc now doesn't allocate 4KB (64KB in reality) for each symbol but now groups themAuto Assembler: Registersymbol now works with aobscan resultsAuto Assembler: Add support for inscript structure definitionsTracer: You can now save and load a traceAddresslist: Changing a records' value (lua setValue) now supports lua statements if the new value is enclosed by brackets [  ]  (Example: [12-2] becomes 10, and [readInteger(0x00400500)+10] returns the value at 00400500 with 10 added to it)D3D: Added the ability to dissect a whole d3d scene and get the stack at the moment a specific object is being renderedD3D: Also works on 64-bit targets nowSymbolhandler: It now interprets "structurename.variablename" and returns the offset of variablename in the structure. This includes auto assemblerBinary files inside cheat tables are now stored using ascii85 instead of hexadecimalAdded a more complex disassembler class that gives more information about what it disassembledDissect data now also shows the effect of a locked column on childnodesDissect data can now have custom name under each address besides a groupnameDissect data elements can now have a custom background colorThe structure spider can now also work with locked memory (shadow memory)Changed the way the vertical scrollbars of the disassembler and hexview panels workThe "find what acceses this address" window no longr prints out ALL results in the info box when multiselecting.Changed the stackview panel so when it's visible and you resize the window it's on, it resizes instead of the hexviewThe assembly scan can now have a custom rangeAdded an option to the trainerscript generator to generate a D3DTrainer (if the game supports it)DBVM now works on AMD systems. Some features like Ultimap are still Intel only, but int hooks work

    Post release fixes (max 7 days after initial release *or 30 if a HUGE bug):
    14/06/2013: Fixed getItems() for menu and add the default array indexer for Menu14/06/2013: Fixed select and scroll in the editor. Fixed import and export in 64-bit range memory. Fixed overriding the hide/show hotkey when using genericHotkey objects15/06/2013: Fixed the parameters of the stacktrace not showing the correct parameters. Fixed deleting the first entry of a foundlist16/06/2013: Fixed hex unchecking when changing the scantype. Fixed an assembler instruction. Added some hotkey timing functions to lua. Fixed Write*Localcommands18/06/2013: Fixed AA Define(xxx, previousdefine+xxx)30/06/2013*: Fixed int3 breakpoints not getting deleted when single stepping and threaded target30/06/2013*: Fixed case insensitive text scans

    July 13 2013:Cheat Engine 6.3 Traditional Chinese translation


    例如:C:\遊戲修改器 、C:\GAME\修改器 純英文路徑都沒問題
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    發表於 2013-7-14 01:33 | 顯示全部樓層
    5000積分才能看 那我也只有等10年後再來看吧,哈.
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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-3-26 00:14
  • 簽到天數: 230 天


     樓主| 發表於 2013-7-14 03:45 | 顯示全部樓層
    king10911 發表於 2013-7-14 01:33
    5000積分才能看 那我也只有等10年後再來看吧,哈.


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    發表於 2013-8-15 23:42 | 顯示全部樓層




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    發表於 2014-8-23 23:54 | 顯示全部樓層
    本帖最後由 ABC16329 於 2014-8-23 23:56 編輯

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