龍吉艾斯 發表於 2014-3-15 09:31


#遊戲名稱:40 Winks







#密碼:**** Hidden Message *****





Infinite Air -   
8002B8CE 2400
Infinite Costume Time -   
8002C452 2400
Infinite Lives -   
80013352 2400
Infinite Zzz's -   
8001326E 2400

Various Cheats
Pause the game, then hold Select and press any of the following:
Effect Code
All Dreamkeys*L1, L2, L1, L2
All Winks* Left, Down, Right(3)
[Big Head Mode L1, Up, Right, L2, Up**
Full Cogs Down, R2, L1, Up, R2
Restore Lives L1, Up, Right, L2, Up
Restore Moons Up, L2, Left, R2, Left
Restore Zzz's Right, L1, Up, R1, L1

Left All 10 Moons - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
Up, L2, Left, R2, Left.
All 40 Cogs - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
Down, R2, L1, Up, R2
All 40 Winks - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
Left, Down, Right, Right, Right (This code must be done while inside the house)
All 50 ZZZ's - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
Right, L1, Up, R1, L1
All Dream Keys - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
Circle, L1, L2, L1, L2
Big Head Mode - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
L1, Up, Right, L2, Up
Regain Lives - Press start to pause, then hold select while entering the following codes -   
L1, Up, Right, L2, Up



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查看完整版本: [PS]【SLUS-00874】小童歷險記